Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the drone

A review of current debates on drone applications





drones, civil use, military use, technology assessment


Drones are nowadays used in many and very different contexts. From the technology assessment perspective, it therefore seems reasonable to shed more light on the extent of the current and future use of drones and the resulting consequences. In addition, the expected paths of further technological development, relevant actors and their interests as well as potential future applications and fields of use should be analyzed.


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How to Cite

Weber K, Rinke B, Alwardt C. Dr. Strangelove, or how I learned to stop worrying and love the drone: A review of current debates on drone applications. TATuP [Internet]. 2018 Dec. 11 [cited 2024 Apr. 18];27(3):11-3. Available from: https://www.tatup.de/index.php/tatup/article/view/166

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