The asynchronous path to urban mobility transitions

Temporality and responsible intervention in public spaces


  • Alexander Wentland Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) und TUM School of Management, Technische Universität München (Deutschland)
  • Manuel Jung Munich Center for Technology in Society (MCTS) und TUM School of Management, Technische Universität München (Deutschland)



transitions, living labs, mobility, temporality, scalability


Living labs in public spaces are intended to stimulate long-term transformation processes. Mostly, such interventions are organized as projects. However, projects entail their own temporal logic, which does not coincide with the temporal logic of the actors, urban neighborhoods, and residents’ everyday lives involved. In this paper, we examine three dimensions of asynchronicity based on two mobility projects in Munich and Barcelona and highlight the tensions arising from them: First, the interventions quickly created conflicts, while mobility routines persisted. Second, the projects were tied to limited-term funding and election cycles. Actors were under pressure to act quickly and achieve symbolic successes, regardless of developments in the neighborhoods. Third, the expectation of transferability led to a paradoxical situation in which local particularities and promises of participation had to be reconciled with the development of scalable solutions.


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How to Cite

Wentland A, Jung M. The asynchronous path to urban mobility transitions: Temporality and responsible intervention in public spaces. TATuP [Internet]. 2021 Mar. 31 [cited 2024 Apr. 23];30(1):23-8. Available from: