Ethical technology assessment as cartography of situational value conflicts

Moral pragmatism perspectives on the problem of neutrality




Dewey, John 1859-1952, moral pragmatism, technology assessment, hermeneutics, ethics


The article describes what a moral pragmatic approach in technology assessment (TA) can offer in practice. Our thesis, following John Dewey, is that argumentative ethical TA can be understood as a kind of cartography of situational value conflicts. The resulting “moral maps” aim to identify the need for scientific advice that informs public and political debate in specific decision-making situations as neutrally as possible. From a pragmatic perspective, however, “neutrality” does not entail normative abstinence. Rather, the point of departure is to re-construct the normative conflicts that are relevant in specific situations of technical decision making, deliberately approaching the values from multiple perspectives.


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How to Cite

Weydner-Volkmann S. Ethical technology assessment as cartography of situational value conflicts: Moral pragmatism perspectives on the problem of neutrality. TATuP [Internet]. 2019 Apr. 3 [cited 2024 Apr. 19];28(1):39-44. Available from: